Work package 2: Water Budgets and Hydro(geo)logical Modeling

The focus of the second work package is to determine water resources in case study areas (CSA).

Main Objectives

  1. Water resources system analysis, hydrological (water budgets) and hydrogeological (groundwater) characterization of Case Study Areas (CSA) on the basis of available data
  2. Development and application of hydrological and hydrogeological modeling tools; in the following, the combined tools are specified as “hydro(geo)logical” modeling tools
  3. Environmental impact assessment of IWRM response strategies with focus on water resources aspects

Specific Objectives

  • Gather all project relevant data towards a characterization of the case study areas (CSA)
  • Forecast of future water availability and water demand based on the selected scenarios for socio-economic development and climate change
  • Further development and application of hydrological and hydrogeological modeling tools for the coastal aquifer system
  • Simulation of integrated water resources planning and management strategies on CS level to support environmental and socio-economic impact assessment

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